**Although this year's Banned Book Week is over, I offer here some ideas I have about free speech and the proper way to combat opinions you don't want spread through the media. The best defense is a strong offense--if you see something that offends you, don't destroy it. Instead, publish your point of view! This is the joy of free speech. Here is my original posting. Remember: llamas like books! --LL** 9.28.2004 // Celebrate Banned Book Week! Posted at 10:02 PM I want to ...
**My original Reccomended Reading entry...books I liked then, like now, and think you might like!** 7.30.2002 // Reccomended Reading I Posted at 12:00 AM This is pretty straightforward--Just a top-of-my-head, plain list of books I like. Obviously I can't post them all in one entry, or one night, or one week...etc. They are in no particular order, and the author disavows any association with the various and sundry shady characters who authored these books...etc etc etc. If your l...